The GMiS Scholars Program addresses the immense need to produce more domestic engineers and scientists for the U.S. to remain globally competitive in the STEM marketplace.

$5.6 M

Total Scholarship Dollars Awarded to Date


Scholarship Students

Our streamlined online application portal makes it easy for you to submit and track your application.

The scholarship portal is open and accepting applications for the 2024-25 Academic Year through April 30, 2024.

Apply Now!

The intent of the GMiS Scholars Program is to increase the persistence to graduation among underrepresented and underserved STEM college students. The financial support helps these students focus on their coursework so they can graduate on time, enter a STEM profession, continue to serve as a role model for future generations, and secure the country's place as the finest technological leader in the world.

The GMiS Scholars Program awarded its first scholarship in 2001, thanks to the support of the Ford Motor Company. Since its inception, the Program has shown tremendous growth and has distributed over $5.6 M in educational grants to over 2,000 outstanding and deserving scholars. Today, the Program offers three types of scholarships: Corporate/Government Sponsored Scholarships, Special Recognition Scholarships, and In Memoriam and Personal Tribute Scholarships.

View our Scholarship Application Guidelines for more information BEFORE you start the application.
Scholarship Guidelines